Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Art Update

It's about time for an update, and we have been busy!

A big thanks to Michael Parker and the KMC Drama Department who helped me get the items we needed for many of the costumes, and even a few props! He gave a lot of time to finding the right pieces to match our needs, now we have many suitable pieces we were missing.

I have most of the models for the pieces, I am only waiting on about 5 more. In particular, I am trying to find a Mother and Child (baby 5 months or under by Sept 17th) to pose for the Mary Cassatt piece. The other models are just checking their schedules so they are most likely good to go. Some have even been by to try their costumes and get fitted.

A make-up meeting with Jane Hutsey and Kyle Lallemand helped us figure out exactly what styles and types of make-up we will be using, and only two techniques are still in progress. (Mona Lisa crackled skin effect and bronze statue make-up) Thanks ladies for your amazing expertise. There will be a make-up meeting coming up for all those wishing to help with hair or make-up, details will be emailed and posted tonight!

Painting is coming along, the Picasso backdrop piece was on my wall far too long, but now we are moving at a rapid pace, thanks to the diligence of a few lovely ladies who have helped me get back into the groove! Thanks to Melissa Gerlach and Heather Vitteri for helping me finish it. I didn't photograph the finished project, but it is vibrant and just what we need.

All in an evening, we took Picasso down and got working on Seurat's Sunday Afternoon..... This piece is coming along beautifully in one week's work, thanks to the efforts of Heather (and Jose) Vitteri, Kyle Lallemand, and Melissa Gerlach. We are working at a rapid pace to get this one down and start the next.
After blocking the basics in, we have begun the detail work that is actually the technique Seurat used for the entire painting (no blocking at all) known as pointillism. This is a lot of fun, and a lot of work, but it makes the painting so full of depth. Here are some to compare, the first below with blocked in work, and the rest with some detailing....what a difference!

If you are wondering why there haven't been many work days, it is because I have been doing my small committee meetings and getting organized, in addition, May - June was for me, something every night of every weekend. The artists who have worked during this month have contacted me and told me they want to paint in their free time, and we've set up times for them to come by. In general, later evenings and nap times (2-5ish) are great times to come by, so call me or email me and you can swing over. The art studio is always open!

More meetings open to all will be listed and shared at and after tonight's meeting, the blog will be updated and you can start marking your calendar to commit times to paint and work. I appreciate all the efforts you all put forth to make this amazing event a reality!

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